
Writing Compatible Classes

Pyckson will assume that the classes you want to transform are written in a certain way :

  • All class fields must be named parameters in your __init__ method
  • All parameters must be assigned to the object with the same name
  • All parameters must be type annotated
class Example:
    def __init__(self, foo: str, bar: List[int]):
        self.foo = foo
        self.bar = bar


Pyckson also works with dataclasses in python3.7+

class Example:
    foo: str
    bar: List[int]


Pyckson will produce and read json where your member names will have been tranformed to camelCase.

class CaseTest:
    def __init__(self, some_parameter: str):
        self.some_parameter = some_parameters
>>> pyckson.serialize(CaseTest('foo'))
{'someParameter': 'foo'}

Serializing Objects

The function pyckson.serialize() takes an object and return a dict-like structure.

>>> from pyckson import serialize
>>> serialize(Example('foo', [1, 2]))
{'foo': 'foo', 'bar': [1, 2]}

Takes a object and produces a dict-like representation

Parameters:obj – the object to serialize

You can also serialize lists, pyckson will handle the recursion

>>> from pyckson import serialize
>>> serialize([Example('foo', [1, 2]), Example('bar', [3, 4])])
[{'foo': 'foo', 'bar': [1, 2]}, {'foo': 'bar', 'bar': [3, 4]}]

Parsing Objects

The function pyckson.parse() takes a class and a dictionnary and return an instance of the class.

>>> form pyckson import parse
>>> example = parse(Example, {'foo': 'thing', 'bar': [1, 2, 3]})
>>> example
<__main__.Example object at 0x7fb177d86f28>
>>> example.foo
>>> example.bar
[1, 2, 3]
pyckson.parse(cls, value)

Takes a class and a dict and try to build an instance of the class

  • cls – The class to parse
  • value – either a dict, a list or a scalar value

Similarily to pyckson.serialize() you can also use the specific type typing.List[cls] to parse lists.

Utility Functions

Pyckson also includes some convenient wrappers to directly manipulate json strings with the json module.

pyckson.dump(obj, fp, **kwargs)

wrapper for json.dump()

pyckson.dumps(obj, **kwargs)

wrapper for json.dumps()

pyckson.load(cls, fp, **kwargs)

wrapper for json.load()

pyckson.loads(cls, s, **kwargs)

wrapper for json.loads()